
Tak Berkira Tolong Isteri Makin Sarat, Alif Teruja Sambut Baby Boy 2 Bulan Lagi


Akhirnya yang diimpikan bakal hampir terlaksana. Alif dikhabarkan bakal menyambut kelahiran anak ketiga lelaki beberapa bulan lagi.

Pengumuman Alif yang sudah memiliki dua anak perempuan iaitu Alisha Anugerah dan Ariana Mecca menjawab persoalan peminat mengenai jantina bayi yang dikandung isterinya, Shadila Halid.

“my 2 girls are the sweetest.. but i can’t wait for you my boy!”

“wefie!… can’t wait for you my boy.. p/s 2 months ++ to go!!!”

Dalam keterujaan, pengacara dan penyanyi ini juga tidak berat tulang membantu isterinya. Menjelang trimester ketiga, pelbagai ketidakselesaan dan kesakitan dihadapi. Apatah lagi morning sickness Shadila masih berterusan. Melalui Instagram Shadila meluahkan Alif walau pun penat masih sempat membantunya.

“This morning, I experienced the worst pain throughout this pregnancy. My whole body ached, I had painful morning sickness that led to migraine, had problem even standing up because it would hurt the entire waist down, couldn’t breathe properly, felt like puking and couldn’t even eat.

“What was more challenging, my toddler had diarrhea and had to change her diaper numerous times. Sometimes I am beaten down by my own responsibility as a mother. What you see on Instagram is just the surface. It’s not easy all the time. Sometimes I am overwhelmed with tears because I am just too tired to do the laundry or just washing the plates because I have been attending to my children non-stop.

“This is not a post to complain, this is a post to highlight how important it is for a wife and a mother to have the sturdiest support system. Alif just came home from Sabah around 2am yesterday and was obviously tired to the bones but this morning when he heard Ariana cry because of tummy ache, he woke up immediately to wash her and told me to go back to sleep because my morning sickness was insane. He stayed up to feed the girls and took care of them.

“He massaged my hand, he made sure I had enough rest. Not once he got mad or made me feel like I am a burden to him eventhough I know he has not rested enough. It’s not just helping me physically but mentally, he made sure I am healthy too. I am here reminding you that parenting is not as easy as it sounds.

“It tests you, it plays with your mind, it can break you.. you as mom and dad need to overcome all challenges TOGETHER. Here’s to good times, crazy times, hard times, messy times, unbearable times, sad times and great times. At the end of the day, a simple “I LOVE YOU” from my children and husband made all the difference. Thank you.

Para follower memberikan sokongan kepada Shadila dalam melalui kesukaran pada penghujung kehamilan ini. Rata-rata memuji tindakan Alif yang tidak berat tulang membantu walau pun kepenatan.

“Tq sista! Ske sgt dgn post akak ni..coz rmi skang suami amek mudah bnde2 ni..dlm ruma tangga mmg kne ad kerjasama..serius kalo smua isteri yg buat bleh gile jdnya..ormg x tau housewife ni penat dia cane..kdg kje non stop dr pagi ade je kjeee…untung akak dpt suami mcm ni..serius rezeki masing2..”- @ gung_jongjang

“Kak shad kuat.. Kak shad baik dgn org, and sbb tu allah akn sntiasa prmudahkn org yg baik dan akn sntiasa kelilingi kan dgn org yg baik2.. Semoga d prmudahkan kak shad.. Love u .” – @ nurrul_nakqieah92

Sumber: alifsatar & shadilahalid