Bella, anak sulung Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar baru berusia 7 tahun tapi sudah pandai buat karangan. Netizen juga memuji tulisan tangan Bella yang cantik!

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!

Bella atau Sophea Isabella, 7, adalah cahaya mata pertama Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, angkasawan pertama negara. Baru-baru ini beliau berkongsi tentang karangan bertajuk ‘About Me’ yang ditulis Bella di Instagram. Karangan mengenai diri dan keluarga yang ditulis Bella adalah jujur dari kaca mata seorang anak kecil.

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!


Pic – Bella’s essay which surprises me!

An essay says a lot about the person who writes them especially when it’s written by kids – since kids do not lie . They just don’t know how especially those who are below 7 years old .


As usual after doing homework with the girls I always make it a routine to check their bags … and found this essay written by Bella.

I’m glad she feels confident and secured about herself . The bully part is totally true which she always gives in to Tasha , she loves the twin boys and feel she’s more famous than me – Haha !

Which is true as she gets more fans wanting to take pictures with her when I bring her along with me .

Love As Always …

Just sharing the things that you learn from your child .


PS – Need to investigate why she wrote “ sometimes happy “. ?

And forgive her spelling mistakes …

Ada satu perkara yang merisaukan si ayah bila Bella menulis dia ‘sometimes happy’ dalam karangannya itu hinggakan Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar mahu menyiasat. Ini adalah hasil siasatan beliau.

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!

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Pic – Bella’s essay which surprises me! An essay says a lot about the person who writes them especially when it’s written by kids – since kids do not lie . They just don’t know how especially those who are below 7 years old . As usual after doing homework with the girls I always make it a routine to check their bags … and found this essay written by Bella . I’m glad she feels confident and secured about herself . The bully part is totally true which she always gives in to Tasha , she loves the twin boys and feel she’s more famous than me – Haha ! Which is true as she gets more fans wanting to take pictures with her when I bring her along with me . Love As Always … Just sharing the things that you learn from your child . PS – Need to investigate why she wrote “ sometimes happy “. ? And forgive her spelling mistakes …

A post shared by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor (@drsheikhmuszaphar) on

Para follower memuji tulisan tangan Bella malah tidak kurang juga yang memuji karangannya yang bagus bagi kanak-kanak 7 tahun.

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!

Bella Buat Karangan Tentang Diri Sendiri, Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Risaukan Satu Perkara. Netizen Puji Tulisan Cantik!

Sumber: Instagram Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszaphar

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